Allstate, Puch and Sears motorcycles (and the occasional Studebaker, Silvertone or Elgin, too!)

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and Silvertone Radios, TOO!
Oh no, now there are CARS too?
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Where did I catch this "BUG"?!?

Once upon a time, there were "Catalog Bikes"

I got my first "catalog" bike in 1967. Escondido, CA Montgomery Ward store had the mighty 450SS on sale for $159 at Christmas time. My dad bought it, and we brought it home in the trunk of our 1966 Ford LTD.
After 2nd gear ran and hid about a year later, I moved "up" to a Sears (Gilera) 106SS. It served me well, even though a college friend fried the engine and we spent many late nights shoehorning in a MotoGuzzi 125 ISDT engine. But that is another story entirely.

The bug returns . . .

I was pulled back down to the dimly lit underworld of catalog bikes in 1983, with the purchase of a very low mileage and original 1968 Sears SR250.
The die had been cast, and about a dozen more were to fall from the sky into my yard, interspersed with more than another dozen "real" bikes. This is my story, and I'm sticking to it.